
por mi madre (happy Chinese new year, normal new year, Christmas, thanksgiving, Halloween, and whatever else i missed.)

  Things might be a little out of order because I've been drafting this for 9 weeks . Well I got transferred out of tmall khoule! It was a short 2 transfers and i did some really good farm work. Lots of planting seeds, and watering and weeding. I left that area a good field, white and ready to harvest. Elder Willis is my replacement, we seem intertwined by fate, and he's done great work there already. All my aunties and uncles have safely entered into baptismal covenants as of a few weeks agoNow I'm  Back to the city so thats great πŸ‘.  But whats really cool is I got a new bike 🏍. Finally the story of my garbage bikes has come to a close. After more than a year since my original steed was destroyed in a moto accident, am the proud owner of a cherry red Giant. A silky smooth sensation of a ride.  There also was a whole mission conference because president Renlund did a mission tourl We have a new teaching friend named Monica who referred herself to the missionaries after se

We are up!

  Hello friends and family The last 2 weeks have been a great experience with 13 good days and 1 hot one. it is an amazing time to be alive in this country of Cambodia.  I see the rest of my brethren floundering as wet season rages, but as for us in the (relatively) dry battambang, we get to enjoy autumn winds and milder temperatures so thats a great contrast to my adventure here in the peak hot season.  In the last month we've got a branch president called, and more people coming every week. Yesterday we hit 59 people attending sacrament! A new record, mainly due to a family that is helping people come to church by piling them into meat carts attached to Honda scooters.  If there is a will there is a way. Some won't look at the snake on the stick to be healed, and others are willing to drive hours just to come to church every week.  They shall have their reward. Its just super amazing to be with these wonderful people, to hear their stories and be their friends. TomΓ₯h Goal is

Drum roll please

  Then keep it rolling for another week   today I took a nap (no time to write email)😴 please enjoy the pictures in the meantime

Transfer review

The elite group  Baptism day It's been a crazy transfer so I thought I'd drop an email to appease the mothers out there.  At some point I entered a trio with e. Ellingson from my mtc group. We worked alot and saw alot of cool miracles. Then boom as fast as it started it was over.  Back to just two. But yeah we put in some good work, dropped a couple 10 bombs for sacrament, and last Sunday my friend monoe got baptized. I'm super grateful to have had the opportunity to teach him. His desire to learn made me want to be a more diligent student of the gospel, his attitude was always so happy 😊.  After his baptism he bore a sweet sweet testimony and his wife told me that in 17 years of being married she's seen him cry twice. Once when he "did her wrong" and the second when he was standing there, hair still wet, just telling the small congregation why he knew Jesus Christ's gospel was the best thing for him and how it will help his family. If there's somethi

KAMBUCHHAIHH ❤️πŸ‘‰E.αž—្αž“ំ

  Firstly, greetings to brother, younger brother uncles, aunts, grandma's, grampas, everybody all togetherπŸ™ I had a week that is truly amazing. I went advertising in many places ! In houses, park, and so forth.  This area has leadership and ward missionaries that are handsome and diligent truely. On the trueday,  we went out with a youth named tung. He had a day off from school so we advertised and taught with him from 11  morning to 6  evening. I love tong and appreciate his willingness to serve Also we exchanged companions and I got to go with the ZL that is a beloved of mine.  Elder ellingson makes me a better person and I was so happy to finally be in the same area as him for the first time since good old mtc days Sorry for my khmer Grammered english I'll stop now.   I am currently trying for the world record most consecutive days with primarily instant Ramen eaten. My body is receiving the consequences gracefully.   αž”ាαž“αž”ំαž•្αž‘ុះαž”αž“្αž‘αž”់αž‘ឹαž€ iykyk Maybe I should stop, but it

Nephi is cool and so are you

  This week I studied the teachings of Nephi, an ancient prophet. He's so amazing in his steadfastness in the good work. Truly an role model of mine. Also his many times great grandson, Nephi, was such a great man. Even though many people were wicked at that time, he still tried his best to help them.  Just helping and loving people no matter what. That is what I learned this week.  And it was a good week, lots of work. I'm excited to see what me and elder baconawa can do with another 35 days left in the transfer. Here's some kids