
Fun word of the week 

Montezuma's revenge-Diahreah experienced by travelers (typically in Mexico)(I found this word when looking for the translation of diahreah)(Google translate is so handy it gives synonyms"

Seek and ye shall find a hot shower.
I've been taking cold showers the last transfer because I didn't ever check the other bathroom for hot water. πŸ˜’ 

I honestly thought I would get some change this transfer, so when I they first revealed transfer boards I thought it was a lil joke from the AP ( they do that sometimes to play with us) becasue nothing changed. πŸ€” i guess it was not a prank, but it kinda feels like one because all indicators were pointing the opposite direction. 

Anyway, afterwards there was a Lil situation, and I thought we were gonna have to e.t but I guess maybe not we will see.

These last to weeks I have started reading the old testament. I'm only 50 pages in and its been exciting. I think I will read this book alot slower than the other books I've read so far.
-The people were evil, and so the floods came. Pranked. (But at least we have rainbows 🌈 now)
-Lot escaped the destruction of sodom and Gomorrah! But then got drunk a couple times and... pranked!
-Esau lost his birthright and blessing. Pranked
-Jacob worked 7 years for his wife, then his father-in-law gave him the older sister instead of the younger one so he worked another 7 years for the lady he originally wanted, and then another 6 for animals and servants. Pranked
-I'm a little confused by genesis 38, but to summarize... Judah and his family gets pranked.

Also I am starting to read the book of Mormon again and this time I will not skip any Isaiah chapters nor Jacob's allegory of the olive farm (hard mode)

After that my tire popped 

And the next day the chain got mangled beyond fixing easily by ourself. (we got a dude to just take apart the chain the next day after that)

I was at a house after lesson and started to try some strange green fruits that were nicely sliced up, with peppers on top to make it a little spicy. "Those fruits will make you diahreah" They said to me. "Wow thanks they are very tasty" I said. I did quite enjoy them, and later when I was nearly finished, my companion helped me to learn the word រាαž‚ means diahrea. It would've been nice to learn it 15 minutes earlier, but oh well. And the diahrea wasnt even that bad so I'll rate it "wont activley seek out in the future, but if I'm ever a little blocked up maybe try it agian"/10

So it was a little bit of a bummer week, but I'd like to share something that a friend of mine posted on his Facebook story a couple weeks ago.
"There's two types of pain: regret, and progress"~-Jordan Peterson

I've thought about this a bit. We all go through experiences in this life, and at some point they end. This tranfer will end, my mission will end, even life someday has to end. There's always going foreward but never going back. So all I can do is make the best with the cards i've been delt, to try and progress. Progress my area, my launguage, my relationships with those around me. Its gonna be painfull, but progressive pain is better than regret.
Now that I think about it on a bigger perspective, both these pains last forever. Regret is miserable because you can never change the past. Progress is so amazing because we can always keep building, always become better.  So I guess our choice is to choose one every day every hour every minute. And that is the pain you take into eternity. Heres one of my favorite scriptures.
"27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."- Lehi 

"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them"-- nephi

I learned that if your doing the right thing (Which the lord has commanded us all to do), there will always be a way to do it, and so all we gotta do is keep trying.

"7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; 8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. 9 Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands. 10 Thou art not yet as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job." --Jesus Christ 

I learned that we have friends around us. So we just need to continue. endure. persevere. People who love us, and if you're ever feeling down, remember that Jesus loves you, and it could be worse. Job had it pretty bad.

OK one more itemπŸ‘‹ we had district conference this week and that was a wonderful experience. Here are my notes
Callings are important- many people say they are far too busy for church, but not many people are as busy as Elder Tai. He was working 18 hours a day 7 days a week in Hong Kong πŸ‡­πŸ‡°. But long story short he eventually got 2 hours off a week to go to church and then through his calling in the primary sunday school, Elder tai said he felt he was blessed enough to find a new job. What a beast πŸ’ͺ 

How did heavenly father prepare us for covid?

What is he asking us now to do to prepare for things that haven't happened yet?

What are we doing about the invitations he has given us?

Invitations from Prophets and callings bless us 

What things do we need to keep, store, and give up so we can grow

Give your problems to Jesus

Repent daily. Small progress leads to greatness.

!!!!Pray fervently for love and opportunities to love others.
Then promise elder Tai to quickly act on the opportunities to help those around us feel the love of God !!!!!

I loved listening to elder Tai because I feel like I understand every word he says. He's very clear, very powerfull, and also speaks perfect english. 

Look at the pictures they explain everything


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