I fell in a lake

I did some service this week and chopped tree. Let me tell you, we need to bring back lumberjacking for our young men. Theres just something about hackin' wood 🪵 😍.just my soft missionary hands and my axe vs this tree. I won 🏆 my hands got blisters a bit, and the tree lost

This week i will describe more about my time here. It is so hot. We had rain last tuesday, and I feel like it just got more swealtering every day since. Because it was hot already, and so dusty here in battambang. It seems like every road is getting worked on so its all dirt while they try to put in normal roads. 
So then it rains and gets all humid and the air is like I just opened an oven to get some cookies out of the oven, execpt the oven never closes and I get stir fry instead of a cookie.
 Yesterday I looked at someone's phone for the forecast, and it was a high of 39. I'm not yet to good with Celsius, and the following is my knowledge. 
0 = 32 farenheight. Water freezes at 0
23= 😇☺️❄️ (coldest I've felt in this country in morning)
32 = 🥵🫠
39 😐🫥🫠💀🥀
100 = water boils

So if someone can tell me how many bald eagles per freedom 39c is, I would love to know. 

Aside from the heat, I bike around all day and teach people, as well as try to find people to teach. And what is so awesome is now we have a few solid people that are actually not children (with no way to come to church(not optimal)), and they really love to learn what I have to teach them. 

One person who I really love is uncle etch a sketch. 
I changed his name, because I always just call him uncle. Its not actually etch a sketch, but he is a friend of one of the old dudes in our branch. This old dude (Uncle 20 chin hairs) loves the gospel, so he has been referring all his friends to us, but all his friends are kind of weird. We have :
uncle Etch a Sketch
Auntie water crazy
Uncle Smart Jack sparrow 
As you can imagine a lesson with all 4 of these personailties was a dumpster fire. We try to teach etch a sketch about the godhead, but its a little difficult for him, and then all the other people constantly chime in (water crazy is the worst offender) and Chiming in just shakes up the etch a sketch even more. So we've decided to teach them seperatly from now on. A good decision. 

Something awesome happened this week. There is a khmer dude I've been texting on facebook since october. Since before I left the country. He lives in the middle of nowhere, and somehow found me on facebook and we have been chatting on and off since then. On and off because I thought he was a scammer for a little bit, and ghosted him. I pretty much just said if he wants to learn about Jesus to let me know, and I will hook him up. Then I moved here to battambang and that is alot closer to this guy so all the peices were lining up. After another month of waiting because he had to work some things out, I ended up just telling him, if you want, come to Battambang, we have church on sunday!
So Then I get a facetime call from him saturday night, and he rode a 4 hour bus to my town so he could make it to church sunday at noon
We had church, he attended, and we taught him a lesson and gave him the Book of Mormon.
Also turns out he knew sister Huntington from my MTC group so that was craaazzyy. 😵‍💫😵‍💫

Also I fed a dude with a stomach tube 
Here's a photos link trust me it's good try it out!

The title was kinda clickbait, but I will not be elaborating sorry.

These kids saved us when my tire went flat this week.

I love to hear from you all! 
Untill next week,
Elder Platt



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