lost and found is like thrift store, but better. (Week 6)
I would like to share a quick message. "Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full. Therefore, care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul. And seek the face of the Lord always that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life."
This week I've been thinking about what is really important, and I've always known much of the things (ex: tik tok, netflix ect...) that I did before my mission really had no significance at all. In fact many of my distractions probably ended up just taking me away from better activities. The instant pleasures of the body are of no importance to the soul.
The opposite is true though. Work is an eternal principle, and things that require effort, and alot of it, are often the things that have every kind of value.
One of my teachers said yesterday, "there is no growth in the comfort zone, and there's no comfort in the growth zone." She was speaking about learning Khmer after telling us to do some crazy hard activity using a bunch of vocab we just looked at.
Its painful but overcoming pain is the way to get through life so might as well practice a bit.
I am អ្នកផ្សព្វផ្សាយសាសនា, and as a "person spread religion" I'll endure every pain I can They let me into the lost and found 😈. And there's a section of free stuff so you already know I now have soaps, bottles and hair stuff galore. Also they give out study materials from missionaries that have lost them. So now I have the intermediate and advanced language materials for Spanish, Italian, and some Philippine language called Cebuano.
And Then there is the basic materials. hehe. Its called Basic Core, and its a little pamphlet with all the knowledge needed for introduction, and basic interactions. I have very many different kinds of these now. I started my collection, and then everyone else did so now its kind of a race to see who can "fill out the pokedex"(collect them all) so to speak. Now I have Norsk, русский, Japanese, danish, Lebanese, danish, Hungarian, Spanish, Cambodian, mandarin,. I used to have Portuguese and something else but i traded them both for Japanese. It was kind of like a 2 for 1 settlers of catan deal. Next Im trying to find some more aisian launguas like korean, thai, vietnmaese, but it is hard because the main way to aquire them is to get from other missionaries. For example challenge them to a cornhole match, victor takes the other's basic core. This principle can be elevated and I met a Elder once who had accumulated the missionary tags of 3 other elders and 2 sisters. It is a high risk activity, but the rewards is exciting, and that elder is a corn hole shark.
Ive been eating alot, much chocolate milk. And i believe it was wednesday, but one of the elders had lost a wager, and instead of loosing his tags, he was pressed into eating everything that I did for the whole day. Anyway I like a couple glasses of choccy milk and a couple bowls of food, and he couldnt handle it so vomit :( (chocolate milk here is so thick is like a shake).
Pictures are self explanitory. Dairy enzymes aid me and only 9 bucks! A steal of a deal. my body is beginning to reject the copious amounts of milk so science will fix me if it gets worse.
We got some nerf guns so shout out to Aunti Carissa for supplementing the stache of defense wepons.
They set up lights
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