From mom


Elder Platt-
It was so good to read about your first two weeks in the home hotel MTC- sorry again about that I really thought we would have a house to give you a proper sendoff!! And that you would have been able to go through your stuff before your left. I will try to keep your things nice and neat (keep them in boxes) and make sure Brecon doesn’t ruin your favorite stuff! I’m so excited for you! This is the launching point for you- A pivotal moment that will drastically affect who you will become. I know a lot of friends that are taking their kids to college dropping them off is a big step. But there is something so big and special about going on a mission and I’m so proud of you. You are on the Lords errand- so work hard and do your best!

Dad has been telling some pretty funny stories about your red eye flight and how silly you were acting— patting a ladies head and telling her it’s OK. Your secret plans … but you couldn’t tell him about it. Brielle and cannon sure thought that was funny to see you right before they got ready for school— sleeping in the front of the car before going to the Davis’s house. I am a little jealous that you got to spend time with one of our favorite families. I hope you remember their good advice and know that they love and care about you!

Well ever since you got your call the first part of May we’ve been waiting for September to get here so you could start your mission and then here we are you’re off to the Provo MTC for the next seven weeks! Isn’t it funny how time works like that?!? 
What a summer we had traveling - getting here to Hawaii and living out of a suitcase…
Can’t wait to hear back from you!


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