We are up!

Hello friends and family The last 2 weeks have been a great experience with 13 good days and 1 hot one. it is an amazing time to be alive in this country of Cambodia. I see the rest of my brethren floundering as wet season rages, but as for us in the (relatively) dry battambang, we get to enjoy autumn winds and milder temperatures so thats a great contrast to my adventure here in the peak hot season. In the last month we've got a branch president called, and more people coming every week. Yesterday we hit 59 people attending sacrament! A new record, mainly due to a family that is helping people come to church by piling them into meat carts attached to Honda scooters. If there is a will there is a way. Some won't look at the snake on the stick to be healed, and others are willing to drive hours just to come to church every week. They shall have their reward. Its just super amazing to be with these wonderful people, to hear their stories and be their fr...