Defeat sin, recieve blessins

Ive been making progress on my bike handling, so maybe I finally achieve my goal of doing the legendary halted curb climb maneuver. Speaking of bikes My companion got rekt (wrecked) by a moto. It ended up not being too bad of a crash but now his front wheel looks like it got hit by a guy who wasnt looking over his shoulder while trying to make a turn. On the plus side, now his wheel makes a loud squeek every revolution because it scrapes the brakes, So now I can approximate his location (relative to me) and speed. Cats keep getting elekctrocuted outside my house. "the purpose of faith is not to change God’s will but to empower us to act on God’s will" i liked this quote alot from the talk " fourth floor last door by elder Deiter F Uchdorf Next week I can explain more but this week im out of time. Good night.